Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The one last week

I had a plan that I would have posted my last post in Finland before I got here but my last week flew by in second! I also thought 'thats all right I will have plenty of time at least at the airport' but I didn't!

Anyways, I'm just gonna update a little how my last week was in Finland and then write about more exciting stuff which is that I'm finally here Ljubljana-Slovenia!

At the start of my week my mum and I drove all the way to the East-side of Finland to see my granmother and other relatives. It was only couple days so we didn't have time to do much but it was very important for me to see them before I leave the contry for 5 months. The rest of the week I was busy organizing this for my exchange such getting a new haircut! So here some high lights of my week.

1. Trip to Lappeenranta with Mum

Or younger dog Fiora


2. Farewell dinner with Maria

Farewell dinner with my favorite cousin Maria in a small new Mexican restarant and it was so good! Real traditional mexican dishes. The night ended up with tears when we had to say good bye one of other front of Coffee House.

3. One last legen - wait for it - dary night with Kati

Ladies! This is going to turn up your life! Do you miss the time you were a teenager and you loved those teen movies and Twilight. Well its back, a new Twilight saga but better! One of my best friends Kati toke me to see this presious movie and I just loved it. The movie is combine of romantic-fantacy-comedy-action-teenmovie. How can you NOT love it?! Right after the movie we ran to the book store and bought my copy of Mortal instrument - City of Bones.
So get out there, find your inner teenage you and enjoy!
Thank you Katie my lady!

4. Tuomas<3

Then ofcourse I spend as much time with Tuomas as I could. On Friday we escaped my packing stress and drove to their familys summer cottage for a day to have time for just two of us. It also felt almost like Christmas since we had gifts for each other. I had bought him Walking Dead - Compendim Vol.2 cartoon book which is as thick as Bible full of Zombie cartoons. Don't get it but he loves it.

I on the other hand got this beautiful necklase and later a bunch of letters which have dates on when I'm allowed to open them. So romantic! :3 I opened my first letter on the airplane and the next one is on this Friday which is my birthday. 
Sorry girls this man is not avalible.

So that was that. My adventure will now start officially!

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