Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am back!

New computer and new era in my blog! Yes I got working computer last week wohoo! Thank you dad for fixing my computer and sending it to me. I really have missed my story times and shearing my adventures with you all. Happy happy joy joy!

And now back to business, I have a lot of catching up to do.

Ps. I appreciate that our cat agrees with me that I shouldn't study.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

THE worst day ever

This is just one those days when it feels like that everything goes wrong.

I started my day the worst way possible and toke my dear Tuomas to the aiport. After having him arond for 8 beautiful days it felt really sad to say 'see you later' again. At home there was only a empty bed waiting for me. Tuomas was on his way back to Finland and missed him already...
After watching TV-series for a while I glanced at the clock and to my horrow it was 11.55(class starts at 12). I grabbed all my stuff, inclding my laptop, and thurst everything in my bag and ran touniversity only to realize that I was there 1h too early! I still have the Finnish time on my laptop, god knows why... Naturally I was really irritated about being there so early and my bad day only contined...
Finally when my lecture actually started I sat down to "enjoy" 2h lecture when I felt familiar twist in my lower stomack. Fucking perfect: my monthly enjoyment of being a woman just started and was I prepared for it? Of course not! Suprise party, HURRAH! There I was sitting cross-legged braying for some kind of period-god that I would get help soon. Julia was my angel.
The day continud and I had no brake between classes meaning, no lunch. I was not only starving at language course but also the pain in my lower stomack was killing me. At this point everything stared feeling extra annoying(maybe my inner female Hulk had something to do with it).
I desided to award myself for survive such a sucky day(I still had no idea what was still coming up) and buy all sorts of yummy stuff such as fruits, chips, cookies[which are called keksi(plural) in slovenian=keksi(singulaer) in finnish], chocolate, ice cream and juice. Mercators counter was slow as usual. On my way home I already dreammed about my warm comfy bed, all my yummy goodies and some chick-flick-movie, perfect. Got home, opened my computer and the worst thing happened: my computer screen was broken. I couldn't held back my "NOOO!" cry out loaud and shut the computer down immidiatly. It couldn't be true. I opened my computer again only to find that it was still broken. This can not be true! All the colors on my screen were wrong and messy. My laptop was fine on the morning and also on my first class. Between language course and home I had hit it somewhere somehow and made the screen break. I was devistated and couldn't held back my tears.
I didn't even need my computer at University today. If I had only left it at home, or had more time to pack my stuff. I would have put it in my laptop-cover-bag which would have protected this fragile machine.
I'm not sure if there is anything I can do to fix it. I don't have my hopes up since I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do about it. But if somebody knows better, please let me know.

Officially THE worst day ever.

The silverlining of this story is to have great friends and boyfriend around you who makes you feel better when everything else just fucking sucks. AND you should always have emergancy wine botterl in you closet.

You always need to stay positive and I'll try to do the same aswell. I don't need my stupid broken laptop. I have awesome roommates, friends and book that will keep me entertaned! ...But I do need to get a extra screen to do my homeworks. I won't be able to write with this pease of shit.

Let's go to the Zoo, Zoo!

Ah lazy Sunday... You can ether study or do anything but study. I naturally chose not to study. But it was suprisingly pro active day! We cleanded flat together with Dash, did the whole weeks grocery shopping and went to the Zoo!

We got to the Zoo just before start feeding the eliphant, cool! That huge animal is not only very strong but also really smart.

Lazy mother bucker!

Beutiful creature.

Thank you Dasha and Nika for animalisticly awesome day!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Gay Hike

One of things I knew I want/have to do while being in Slovenia is to go hiking. Sebastian and Florian offered be the opportunitu to come and join them for a day trip hike to Triglav National park near lake Bohinj. Awesome! I was alprepared, I had my shoes, cloths, food and wather. Florian reminded me that we can go swimming in mountain lake so I broght my togs with me aswell. I was ready! Sebastian was resposible of the car and Florian of the hiking. At the beginning of our jorney I asked Florian if we had a map or something and what kind of route we were gonna hike. "I don't know and no we don't have a map" Well alright then, not the most promising start but never mind. Lets hope that the track is well marked. We got to our starting place where many others had same thought about Saturday hike. Some people gave us long looks and I don't blame them, not all of us fit in.

I wasn't prepred for such a great weather! I was all prepared for cold wind, rain and chill tempatre, you know typical weather for end of October. Another +18c and no clouds at all. Not the best weather to wear black-black-long-sleeve-wollen-shirt. It was blody hot! Especially when you are hiking steap as clime. It was really shocked with the lack of condition I was. I really need to start doing more sports again. But oh man I loved my hiking boots, the best thing ever.
The first part of our hike was indeed crazy. Really steap rock steps up. Almost like the ones Sam, Frodo and Golum climed in the third LOTR-movie. At least it felt like it. I got so hot that my face turned all tomato/chili red. Beutiful... Nevertheless it was all worth it, the view was great.

After our freack clime up we got to the first lake. It was only 12.30 so we decided we should keep going. unfortunately we did one wrong turn and ended up in another route: the longest detour ever!
We got to the next lake 2h later and faced a propblem. We had only 3h day light left. It toke us 4 hour to clime up where we were so there was no chance we were gonna turn around and go same way back. Not only some of us didn't have proper shoes and stuff but we didn't have any flashlight. It would have been total suecide to even think about trying to hike down the steep part in darkness. One wrong step and that would it. No freaking way. Lucky for us we ran in to some Austrian hikers who actually had a map. They should us that there was a open hut where we could stay over night 3h hike away so we would get there before dark. The only problem was that we had rented the car and we were supposed to return the same night or we would have to pay a fine and rent of the next day aswell. There was no time to think about that time and our own option was just keep hiking forward and think about our problems later.

Ou yea we went for a swim and it was great! So frecking cold but so awesome.

The thought about staying over night on the mountains was fine for me. The only thing I was missing was my tooth brush which would suck on the morning. The hut was huge! I thought it was a small cottage or something but it was a proper house! There was on restaurant/bar, place to sleep and shop where you can buy food and stuff. On a mountain! Impressive. We got to the hut around 6pm so we had about 30min daylight left. We put our jorney for vote: stay in the hut for the night or suicidal hike down the mountain in pitch black. And ofcourse we decided to hike down. We were unbelievably lucky again and ran in to two Slovenian middle-age ladies who were going down aswell. The best part was that they had flashlights. One went to the front and the other in the middle. It was crazy and scary by the time it got really dark. You couldn't see anything. I'm not sure I have told you before but there are a lot of bears in Slovenian forest and in fact Slovenia is the biggest bear exporter in Europe. Isn't that cool! Ofcourse with our luck we didn't ran into any bears but we could have. Dasha and Nika were really unhappy with our idea to hike down in darkness. Every singelyear people die on Slovenian mountains because they are trually stupid hiking without proper equipments(check), a map(check) or not to be aware of the time(check). Perfect suicidal combonition. Againts all the odds I'm here writing my blog in my bed, alive.

Back to actual hike, now starts my hippie part so forgive me Aino, you might want to skip this. The feeling you had when you were up there was just amazing. Just being close to the nature. You couldn't hear anything but your own foot steps. No cars, music or other people. You see the landscapes that you see only on posters. It was pretty breathtaking and you can't really capture on the photos. And the fact that you climed up to mountain up 1700m is for my opinion really cool. For me atleast. I'm no proficional hiker obviously so every hike is achievement itself and I'm really proud of myself. I really need keep this hobby up go other places and countries to do this. Too bad that the hiking season is pretty much over now. At least for me, I don't have equipments or courage to hike in the winter time.

Another great trip with awesome people. One of the high lights of my time in Slovenia.

Ps. If some of you wondered whats up with the title, it was just an inside joke from a youtube clip. Nothing really to do with actual hike other than we did realize that both Sebastian and Florian are gay.;)

Play hard, party hard

That's what Erasmus is all about right? Birthday parties, sports bar, bowling and karaoke. I really have start studying more, I'm having too much fun now.

A few photos from last week:

I'm not sure if I have ever worn this much makeup on my face before!

Maria's Bday Party

Yea it was a music theme party and we had Geri, Katy Perry, Amy Winhouse, Eminem, rock, hippie and so many other. Great party, awesome people and police came up. Thanks Maria, you should definately have birthdays more often!

Bowling on Thursday

Yea this was really cool! You vould buy your own beer tab. It had 3l of Union in it and it cost 13,60€ or something. When you counted it you ended up not saving more than 2€ but at least you didn't have to go to the bar all the time. 

Some people continued to companieros but I didn't want to go. Theme of the night was pyjama party and I couldn't stand the thought that people would dancing in their pyjamas on the dance floor. No thank you. Phillipp joined me and we went for looking for adventures. First stop K4 cause it was the nearst club: the party was already over at 12?? Next to Top6, never been there so I was kind of excited about that but no, private party. Okey no club then lets go to a bar, there is a cool bar in the old town called capitan or something where I haven't been yet, lets go there. It was closed! I was getting fusturated but Phillipp didn't want to give up so we coniued along. With pure luck we heard music and found a small karaoke bar in the old town. It was awesome! After wine, several beers I was all ready to sing what else you can sing but Britney Spears - Hit me baby one more time! The best thing about the bar was that they had Sommersby cider! Oh my lord I haven't had one in months! And it tasted goooooood!

Yes, Friday was a hangover day and hourse riding wasn't as plesent as previous times. But the day was absolutely bautiful again! End of October and +20c. Perfect! That ment only one thing: lets go to Tivoli park.