Monday, September 16, 2013

Are you kidding me only 8 days left!?

Where does these days fly! I am not ready yet but on the other hand, I CAN'T WAIT! My past week has been just great! Like I told earlier I was in New Zealand for exchange in 2008, where I met amazing people who are going to be my friends for life time. One of these friends is  Joshua who flew from Panama to Finland for 1 week holiday just to see me! :') Amazing fellow that guy is. We had absolutely blast week together.

First of all I had my farewell party on last Sunday, which was just what I'd dreamed for! It was the most beautiful day, more people turned up that I would have hoped for, there was plenty of food(which always makes me happy) and ofcourse drinks. Sadly I didn't have time to drink since I was too busy with killing bees! It seemed that we had sat on top of their nest(can you say bee-house as a nest??) or something one by one they came annoy or lovely picnik! Any how the day was great and just what I wanted: chelling and enjoying the sun, drinking some sparkling wine and hanging out with your best friends.
Thank you everybody so much for turning up! Love you all<3

Me and my crazy monkeys
One of my very best friends

The week continued great. We were just hanging out with Joshua and I was introduseing him to my everyday life in Finland. Finnish food, sauna, nature, friends and family, hometown and more! I was lucky enough also to show him the best of my towns university student life! On Wednesday there was one of the biggest students party Kurnajaiset on my home university town. Drinking, crawling on walking street, pub crowl, more drinking and parting. It was pretty epic!

I was lucky enought to get kiss on my way<3

What was NOT epic was the next morning! We were planning to continue our jorney to Helsinki on the morning but we were too hangover to get out of the bed before 12am... In the end we finally found our way down to Helsinki 6h later. My relatives prepared delicious dinner and dessert for us which after we went to the city center for a pint with our common friend Olli. I hadn't seen him in years ether! 
The final day we got a private tour around Helsinki by my other friend Miriam whom I met in NZ. She toke us places where I had never been before in Helsinki. Huge thanks for Mira for that! 

Like all great things this week had to come to the end and I had to say another sad good bye to my dear estupido pollo friend Joshua. See you next year in Tomorrowland'14 and that has to be a promice!

Gracias Joshua!

My week doesn't end to this since it was my last and final week in summer job. I have been really lucky with great summer jobs and this summer was not exception. After 4 months working in local restaurant as a waitress(for the first time in my life!) I can say I became pretty badass waitress! If you ask our chefts they would propable say not. ;p But it seemed like I was on fire this weekend since I got way more tips than usually!
This summer had to come to the end eventually and it was quite sad to say good bye to all my co-workers. I will miss my small Rico family<3

All these endings are reminding me of upcoming new bigging in Slovenia. Scary! My one last week in Finland for a while is starting tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. This is going to be very hard week for me...

But I don't want to end this post sadly so I'm gonna inform couple more awesome things! 
  1. I have a tutor in Ljubljana, which I was not expected at all! She is real excited to meet me which is awesome. 
  2. My future room mate send me photos of my new room and it looked just great! Very cosy and clean, but not for long, at least the clean part(I'm a horrible mess!). 
  3. This is also super exciting is that there is a photo compotition on my school in Ljubjana! The category is "Life at your home university". The idea was to take a photo that describles your campus or home university student life best and the photo had to include FELU(Faculty of Economics Ljubljana) logo. I got some mean as photos from the student party! The winner get free trip around Slovenia organized on orientation week. Can't wait!
Do you think I got a chance to win?;)
I think that's everything for now. I'm gonna write some more thing and thoughts next week. Tomorrow I'm traveling to East cost of Finland with my mother to visit my grandmum and other realtives.

Ps. I love you Kupo

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