Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What's up?

I't trying to catch up everything I have been doing so this is just a post about a few things that I have learned lately about Slovenia, what I think of it and what have I been up to. :)

Beer in movie theater?

I don't know how common this is in your countries but in Finland, this would never happen! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this. Really?? But that's cool I think. And I guess popcorns and beer is good... is it? Or you can make your own drinking game at the cinema while watching the movie. Oh good I have been on Erasmus too long...
Anyways we went to see Thor 2 with Dasha and Kenda. Loved Avengers, Thors was nice and couldn't care the less about sequel. The most enjoyable part was when Chris Hemsworth was washing his sculpture body. Just stream the movie from internet if you really wanna see it. Or just youtube Hemsworths abbs.

Went to see the Hunger Games the week after I think and that I really enjoyed! Got to love the fact that with some movies you can just drop to your teenage self and watch some rubbish. And especially since I haven't read the books so I can fully enjoy what the movies have to offer me.

This weather!

Probable the most boring topic to talk about but still come on! This fall/winter has been fantastic! First of all the warm summer breeze continued long till the end of fall and I feel like winter has still not started. Furthermore its not only warm but most of the time its also sunny and clear sky aswell! The best part is that you can see the white top mountains, man I will never get sick of looking at them. Gotto love Slovenia. I want to go skiing!

Lets look at the stars at Bohinj

Did I just write that its been so warm here? Well this night it wasn't. I have a lovely friend Amin (maroccon/french) who had this romantic idea that we should go to lake Bohinj and look at the night sky together with a big group. Just a random Tuesday night. Yea ofcourse I have nothing better to do, do I? So we rent the car with Amin, Sebastia, Clare, Marin, Phillipp, Patric, me and Coralie. Beer, blankets, flashlights and warm cloths and lets go! It was as magnificent as Amin had predicted the night sky was absolutely breath taking. And we managed to make a fire aswell, it was incredible. When the guys had the idea I had no fate in them (sorry boys<3). Sitting around the fire, drinking beer, playing guitar and watching the stars. Quite ideal Tuesday night I'd say. When did Tuesdays became such an epic days? I guess it has something to do with the fact that its the day of the week when you really have nothing to do and you make up these insane ideas. I can't really complain, its quite awesome if you ask me.

Thank you guys!

Mother fuckers trying to steal my bike!

Early this fall Dasha was kind enough to give her old bike for me to use for the semester. I was thrilled. She got me new lock and I was the happiest gurl with my old white ferrary bike. One unfortunate day tho I lost the bikes chains. As a clever girl I managed to fix my bike but lost the chains again because they were too loose. I decided to take the bike to the nearest bike store the next day. Well that never happened. Several weeks after every time I came home from uni I saw my old white bike parked next to our building. I decided this was the day I should actually take the bike to the store since I had some spare time. After a moment of searching the lock part where you put your key I realized it has gone missing. Some asshole had broke my bike lock, saw the actual lock part away and lock it again against the our building basement window bars. How can someone be such an idiote?! There was nothing I could do about it without proper tools and still in this day my bike is downstairs hooked to window bars. The end for this sad story.

1 comment:

  1. aaaawwws toi tähtijuttu kuulostaa niii superhienolta!
